Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Mathematics in the Sun! Experimenting with telling the time...

In Mathematics today, we reviewed what we know about telling the time. We are pretty impressive with our knowledge of telling the time with analog clocks.

We are learning to read the time with a sundial. The position of the dial was carefully calibrated with North using a compass. We compared a manual compass with an app on an iPhone - thank goodness for new technology. The app was precise and helped us get the angle of the sundial just right.

Using a manual compass to position the sundial.
Angus calibrating North with a manual compass
iPhone precision

Using the shadow of the sun to tell the time - what do you think it is?


  1. Gosh reading the time using a sundial has moved on! Being able to compare a manual compass with an app on an iPhone - wow great new technology. I bet the ancient people who invented this method of measuring time never imagined that! Keep shining Room 3.

  2. Sienna525@sunnyhills.school.nz1 June 2019 at 10:07

    Looks really interesting! It's amazaing if you compare the sundial to the technology that we have now you can really see how technology has developed.

  3. This looks like an interesting activity. Isn't this early technology amazing?!
